
The third window symbolizes Baptism , the sacrament of Christian initiation and repentance. In the Christian calendar, the Baptism of Jesus is observed on the first Sunday following Epiphany. The sacrament of baptism however, is rightfully celebrated at various times during the year when the people of God gather to welcome new members to the body of Christ into their midst. The blue, of course, represents the water in which we are baptized. It reminds us that Jesus was baptized in the Jordan, of the times God’s grace is shown to us in water, and the righteousness is an ever-flowing stream. The window also recalls the Holy Spirit, descending upon Jesus in his baptism and continually blessing God’s people with God’s presence.

The Baptism window on the west side of the sanctuary was donated in loving memory of Marilyn Thiessen by her family. Marilyn passed away in 1987. She was a tireless worker for the Canadian Cancer Society. Her life was one of hope at all times, a characteristic that captures the essence of baptismal faith.

The Baptism window on the east side of the sanctuary was presented as a thank offering by Coralie Bornais and Hal Thiessen as an expression of their appreciation and continuing support for the ministry of the church of Jesus Christ as lived out in the worship, education, outreach, and fellowship of this congregation.