Worship with us every Sunday at 10am!
We have resumed in-person worship services. All are welcome at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Proof of vaccination is no longer a requirement to enter worship. Mask use and physical distancing are recommended but not required.
Worship from your home
We would love to welcome you to worship with us Sundays at 10:00 AM. In our sanctuary we sing, pray, laugh, learn, and otherwise share the joy of being a community of faith. We also offer an online worship experience every week and invite you to join our virtual community at your convenience which you can find below.
Take a Look Back
Reflect back on previous messages through our archive of audio sermons.
The Pastor’s Pen
Read Pastor Michael’s recent writings in his regular Pastoral Messages.
Get Briefed
Keep up to date on church happenings through our weekly Life and Work bulletins.
Special Services
Women’s Advent Service
For many women, the gifts of Advent are so often lost between the shopping, the baking, the decorating and the preparation for Christmas. Over 15 years ago, the members of TGIF began to host a service exclusively for women and girls to meet this need. Each year a new theme is chosen and a worship service is led by the many female volunteers of this congregation.
Lights for Lives
This is a memorial service held in January of each year to remember family and friends who have passed away. Throughout the season of Advent, members are invited to make a contribution to purchase a “light” to light up our sanctuary for Christmas. The contributions are directed to grief support agencies such as Compassionate Friends, Grace Hospital Bereavement Support Program, Hospice & Palliative Care Manitoba and the St. Boniface Hospital Grief Support Program for Children and Teens.
Easter Service
We gather on Good Friday at the foot of the cross. The Senior Choir under the direction of Shauna Sperry provides musical inspiration.
On Easter Sunday, we join together in praise, prayer and song to celebrate the life, death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Rites of Passage
Throughout the year usually on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Thanksgiving Sunday and the last Sunday of the year, there is an opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. This rite is available for infants and adults.
Enquirer’s Confirmation classes are for anyone who would like to know more about the United Church, those who are considering joining the United Church and those who might like a refresher. We explore various aspects of faith, such as our involvement in ministry outside the doors of this church, our relationships with other faiths, and how the Bible informs our faith. All are welcome.
Christmas Eve
Celebrate with us the birth of Christ at one of our Christmas Eve services. Each service offers a variety of worship options, participants and styles that will give you comfort and joy.
We want to ensure everyone is able to access our Worship services, which is why we’ve taken steps to meet the varied needs of individuals attending Charleswood United Church.
We provide the ability to provide an American Sign Language interpreter for a specific service, should the request be made through the office with adequate time to make the arrangements.
Large print hymn books.
Large print bulletins, provided the office is given sufficient notice of a need.
A well-equipped Nursery for infants and children under the age of 3.
A Crying Room where parents can take their babes in arms for a quiet time and remain able to listen to the Worship service.
Activities for kids in our Cool School program.
The building, including the sanctuary, is fully accessible. An elevator is available for events and activities taking place in the lower level.
There is ample lot parking available and we have an agreement with École Dieppe across Dieppe Road, allowing us to use their parking lot for Sunday morning overflow.
For those who choose to worship from home, we offer our video sermons on our Youtube Channel.