Get Involved
People who are new to a church often ask “How do you meet people around here?” If you are naturally outgoing, it may not be much of a problem, but if you are on the shy side, it isn’t always easy. We want to help.
We hope you find your home in one of our Ministry Groups or Committees!
We have plenty of ways to educate yourself, meet new people, and lend your time and talents to our church and community.
Church Groups
With over 15 different groups within our church, we have something for everyone! From Badminton to our String Choir, Girl Guides to our Care-Ring, there’s plenty on offer to get you connected with our congregation!
On Monday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m., church schedule permitting, we encourage all ages of Badminton enthusiasts to come out for an evening of fun and fellowship. We enjoy time with participants from Grade 4 to age 90 (thanks for coming out Len!)
Clean, indoor shoes, with non-scuff soles are a must, a water bottle is helpful and an attitude for a good workout essential!
We rotate games regularly, seldom keep score, and just keep those birdies flying!
To register your e-mail address for updates on the “league” and schedule changes, please contact Nancy or Russell at
221st Brownies has made use of our building. Brownies are made up of girls in grades 2 and 3. Some highlights of some of the things we do are, crafts, singing, dancing (often led by members of CUC Musicals), science and cookie selling among many other activities. The girls work on earning badges by learning about just about anything from sewing to technology.
85th Guides have made use of our building. Guides are made up of girls in grades 4, 5 and 6. We continue to work on the Girl Guide program that has been started in Brownies. Some highlights include self esteem workshops, learning about girls in other countries, games, spa nights and camping! The girls work on earning badges by learning about anything from fashion to math.
For more information, please visit
What is “Care-Ring?”
A ministry of caring and encouragement for all the people of our church family.
Who Can be Involved?
All interested persons in our congregation, young and old.
Ways you can be involved in Care-Ring – 5 Care-Rings
Greeting cards, sent on happy or sad occasions, such as birth, death, graduation, wedding, retirement, get well, etc.
Welcoming Newcomers
Visitation Ministry – greeting and welcoming newcomers to our church
Special Ministries
Linking people who have had challenges in their life with people in similar situations, such as those grieving, experiencing health issues or life changes of unemployment or relationship breakdown. Provide meals after a life change.
Visiting hospital patients and shut-ins at home or in long term care.
Family Nurturing
Information evenings on health, parenting, retirement, etc.
If you would like to help Care-Ring, please contact the office to learn how you can offer care and kindness.
Coordinating Team
Michael Wilson –
**Care-Ring Brochures – We invite you to have look at the information pamphlets in the Narthex.
Church School: Better known as “COOL SCHOOL”
At Cool School, we spend our time together, learning about God’s love through Bible stories and sharing these stories with one another through various activities. The media-inspired, child-pleasing classroom areas are able to engage children of any age to better understand their role in God’s amazing creation!
Each Cool School session provides opportunity to learn more about God’s love through various activities that include Bible lessons, stories, crafts, games, songs, and service participation. During a five or six week period, children learn about one specific theme taken from the Bible through these various activities. Once the rotation is complete, the children of Cool School present and share their experience with the rest of the congregation during one of the Sunday morning services.
COOL SCHOOL is offered in the Van Roon Hall during each worship service. A Children’s Chat during worship offers time with the congregation. On Communion Sundays the children go directly to their session and then join the congregation as a group for Communion. Periodically, there are times when the children will remain for the entire service. Advance notice of this will be provided to families with a sign posted as you enter.
Bible Buddies
For those in Grade six through eight: CUC offers a unique program of group activities, with special project focus. This group has met on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
Please keep in mind we will not turn down volunteers to join in the fun. We welcome all, from teenage years to seniors. There is no reason to limit fun to only the kids!
Come and have a peek anytime and if you have any questions, please contact the office.
Vacation Bible School
A continuation of our church school occurs in the summer of each year as we present Charleswood United’s Vacation Bible School. The church enjoys a highly elevated activity level as children, youth helpers & leaders come together for more of our church’s teachings. We sing, dance, craft, play, create, dramatize & eat our way through each day as we take in the Bible Stories. We have enjoyed an increase in youth helpers, telling us that we are on the right path! For more information on this year’s Vacation Bible School, check our calendar.
Seekers Bible Study
This Tuesday morning Bible Study is led by Rev. Dr. Michael Wilson. The people attending are seeking a better understanding of what the Bible is trying to tell us. It is a friendly time, a time to meet new people and a time to renew acquaintances with each other and God. If you are seeking to know and understand the Scriptures, please join us. Your attendance and input is most welcome. Meetings are Tuesday morning 9:30a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
TGIF (Together Growing in Faith)
Together Growing In Faith began over 25 years ago. This is a group open to women of all ages and backgrounds, offering a chance for study and fellowship.
As an outreach, we have organized the Women’s Advent Service in December each year and as a group are proud of what we offered to the church and the women in our community. 120 women gathered at the first service in 2008, reflecting on the community of the “Apron” and the sisterhood that it has provided for the centuries and still provides in the gatherings in our homes. We continue to gather on the first Monday of Advent to celebrate this season of anticipation. Offerings collected have been sent to women’s shelters, palliative care organizations and food banks. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our service was posted to YouTube on November 30, 2020.
Watch our calendar and our Life & Work for current information on all the above activities.
All are welcome to take part in the music ministry of this congregation, either occasionally or on a regular basis. Please speak to Shauna, any member of the choir or the office for more details. We would love to have you!
Under the talented, energetic, and dedicated direction of Director Shauna Sperry with talented accompanists, Charleswood United congregation enjoys an exciting and varied presentation of musical talent to enhance our Sunday worship experience. Every Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m., Shauna meets with approximately 35 men and women of all ages to practice and produce inspiring anthems. The Senior Choir generally sings at each worship service, as their schedules allow. In addition, they present appropriate music for special occasions such as Good Friday and Christmas Eve including some quite ambitious Cantatas.
Charleswood Memorial Music Scholarship
A generous gift in 2017 has allowed the creation of The Charleswood Memorial Music Scholarship. This will allow the award of two scholarships to post-secondary students of voice, one each for a soprano/alto voice and a tenor/baritone/bass voice to supplement the music and worship life of this congregation. For more information and the application form, please follow this link.
Faith Bassed
Anyone wishing to strum their guitar, mandolin, ukulele, cello, anything string, is invited to join our String Choir in the making of praise music.
Whether you are a beginner who only knows four chords, or an experienced player, there is music for you to enjoy and improve your playing skills. Singers to complement our group are encouraged to come out as well. Periodically the group is invited to play during worship services.
Meet us Monday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. in the sanctuary at CUC.
For further information, please contact Nancy –
A very talented group of young people have gathered together each of the last 20 years to spend the summers creating a delightful musical production for the enjoyment of the congregation and the community. These young people come from the youth of our church and from the community at large. Watch our Calendar for dates of our event each year.
The Women’s Social Group was originally part of the United Church Women’s Group. They meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 1:30 p.m. to enjoy fellowship and social activities and to collectively provide support to the Church and to local charities.
The Group seeks to support women’s shelters in Winnipeg by packing and delivering toiletry cases each year. New toiletry items can be dropped off at the church office.
YUCHS (Youth of the United Church) YUCHS is the Charleswood United youth group for grades 7-11.
We like to plan engaging events such as watching movies (with snacks of course!), playing games in the church, baking, and sometimes even an outing!
We have been to laser tag, the corn maze, mini golfing, bowling, swimming and so much more! Everyone is always welcome, and we love when you bring a friend along for the evening! For more information about our youth group, please contact either the church office at 204-832-3667 or email and check our Calendar and Upcoming Events pages.
Charleswood United Church youth also put on a musical every September. These musicals are all done completely by youth and directed by youth volunteers. It is an amazing opportunity for youth to have a fun filled summer putting on a show, and creating a family of new friends. Auditions for the musical happen every spring, and rehearsals are all summer.
Ministry Committees
In the Spring of 2006, Charleswood United Church Council proposed to their congregation a revised structure of our Ministry Groups and as a result, the activities and business of the Church are now directed by the Church Council and five Ministry Committees who direct the governance of our Church. The Council consists of a chairperson, secretary, treasurer, the chairpersons of the five committees listed below, three representatives to Presbytery and the Ministers. Following is a description of the responsibilities and expectations of the Council and the Ministry Committees as outlined in our constitution.
Chair: Janice Hamilton
The Mission & Social Action Committee of Charleswood United Church seeks to understand, raise awareness and respond to local, community and world needs. We are responsible for encouraging the congregation to participate in the outreach programs within the church. We promote the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada and administer financial support for partner ministries and social service agencies from the outreach budget and the Easter offering.
How You can Help:
Join the Mission & Social Action Committee and share your time and talents to become more aware of social justice issues
Become a liaison with a community group to raise awareness of their needs and concerns
Volunteer at Pimicikamak, formerly The West End
Make sandwiches for Pimicikamak
Contribute to food drives and the emergency food pantry
Donate and help with the clothing drive
Collect stamps, eye glasses, socks & pop can tabs which are donated to the appropriate agencies
Participate in the Winnipeg Cheer Board hamper project
Knit sweaters, mittens & toques for inclusion in the hampers (please speak to the church office regarding yarn)
Co-ordinate and volunteer at the annual Rummage Sale
Promote the United Church of Canada’s Mission & Service Fund and its work to the congregation
2021 marked the 22nd anniversary of the CREST program, made up of three Charleswood churches sponsoring refugee families to Winnipeg – Gloria Dei Lutheran, Charleswood United and Charleswood Mennonite. The acronym CREST stands for Charleswood Refugee Ecumenical Sponsorship Team.
Each participating church puts between $3,000-$5,000 into the CREST treasury each year, along with individual donations and fund raisers like our annual Pancake breakfast. These funds build up the necessary reserves to sponsor a family for one year, estimated to be between $15,000-$20,000, depending on the family size.
Helping the refugees with housing, providing furnishings and clothing, applying for government resources such as SIN, Manitoba Health, Child Tax Credit, getting them into ESL classes and dealing with rent, utilities and home maintenance is shared among CREST members. Often people from our congregations are recruited to befriend the refugees and assist with various tasks. Ongoing support may be needed for up to 5 years.
We were relatively inactive once again in 2021. We have agreed to sponsor a family of four using the quota system of the Mennonite Central Committee. The process has begun but we know from experience that it may be up to eighteen months before their arrival.
We continue to develop a relationship with the small Yazidi community. Land was provided for growing produce, with some of the finished product being sold at market gardens at CUC and other locations. Thanks to Michael Wilson and Bo Wohlers for their continuing leadership.
Christmas hampers went to our last two sponsored families with a financial donation. Thanks to Gail Reid and Mark & Linda Little for their ongoing support.
We have been blessed by the many contributions from members of our congregations and we offer many thanks for your ongoing support. Furnishings, clothing, and financial donations are always welcome, although space constraints are always a consideration. CREST cannot issue charitable receipts. Please make cheques payable to Charleswood United Church with “CREST donation” noted in the memo line and a tax receipt will be provided.
The benefits that CREST offers to refugees coming to Canada are obvious. The benefits in getting to work with church members from CUC and other denominations are a valuable side benefit as well. Please join with us as we joyfully follow Christ’s mandate to be our brother’s keeper.
United Church of Canada Mission & Service Fund
Donations to this worthy fund supports ministry and charitable services across Canada and around the globe. The Mission & Service Fund is the only fund in which members and friends of the United Church pool their givings. Charleswood United Church members are faithful contributors to this fund making it possible for the national church to be more effective in its ministry.
The Council has the powers of the Congregation vested in it and shall be responsible for managing the affairs and assets of the Congregation, through Ministry Committees. Council Executive shall consist of a chairperson, vice-chair, secretary, treasurer, 5 Ministry Committee Conveners, 3 Presbytery Representatives and ministerial staff and shall have the authority to meet as necessary to deal with concerns that may arise between Council meetings.
The Council has the following responsibilities:
To act for the Congregation in all matters except those outlined in our constitution as specified duties of the Congregation as a whole.
To co-ordinate work of Ministry Committees.
To receive annual reports and set agenda for the Annual meeting.
To appoint auditors and receive auditor’s report.
To receive and approve annual budget prior to submission for acceptance.
To act in Pastoral Relations in event of change of Pastoral Relations.
To appoint people to fill Council and Committee vacancies on an interim basis.
To ensure the appointments of Heritage Fund Trustees according to the Heritage Fund Terms of Reference.
To approve disbursements of the Heritage Fund in accordance with the Heritage Fund Terms of Reference.
To appoint a Privacy Officer in accordance with the Privacy Act.
The Council will meet 5 times per year on a date agreed upon by the majority of its members.
The Council EXECUTIVE:
Ministers: Rev. Dr. Michael Wilson
Chair: Janet Goddard
Secretary: Anne Burns
Treasurer: Doug Prophet
Plus the Chairpersons of the following committees which will meet in September, November, January, March, and May and additionally as required to fulfill their responsibilities.
Chair: Warren Thompson
This committee shall be concerned with the following:
Providing a consultative and supportive agency for church staff members and for members and adherents of the congregation
Reviewing working conditions and remuneration of church staff members, and making recommendations to Council
Making recommendations to Council with regard to the hiring and termination of paid lay staff, and consulting the Minister(s) on all new staff appointments
The relationship of church staff to members of the pastoral charge and others
The relationship between and among different staff members with respect to their responsibilities and authority
Consulting with all church staff members about their plans for continuing education; ensuring that those eligible avail themselves of the United Church’s provisions for continuing education; ensuring that money and time are available to pursue continuing education which contributes to the mission goals of the pastoral charge and the United Church
Annual review and evaluation of the effectiveness of church staff members as those persons and positions relate to the congregation’s program, as defined by Council
Maintenance of any liaison with the Prairie to Pine Regional Council on Pastoral Relations
The committee shall meet at least quarterly and report to Council
How You Can Help:
Share your skills in good human relations, good organizational and communication skills, good knowledge of the Pastoral Charge and be caring member of the church.
Chair: Carolyn Hsu
This committee shall be concerned with the following:
In addition to elected members of this committee, the Church School Coordinator and the Senior Choir Director are corresponding members
To exercise responsibility for the worship life of the congregation including celebration of the sacraments, the orderly conduct of Sunday worship, sanctuary decoration, inter-church worship events, and special services in the life of the congregation as they arise.
To exercise oversight for the musical ministry of the church including choirs, instruments, guest artists, and budgets for the purchasing of music.
To encourage lay participation in the worship life of the church (i.e. ushers, greeters, readers, servers) and to assess the worship needs of the congregation on a regular basis including the provision of alternative forms of worship.
To exercise responsibility for the Sunday church school program including the recruitment and training of teachers and helpers, selection and evaluation of curricula, oversight of the Church School Coordinator, and administration of the Church School budget.
To exercise oversight and encouragement for Youth Ministry and programming.
To provide oversight for midweek groups for children and youth, Vacation Bible School , confirmation classes, faith development, and Adult Education opportunities.
To provide resources for development of candidates for the ministry and other church vocations
To be responsible for the library’s use and book purchases and maintenance of audio-visual equipment, including the sanctuary sound system.
To exercise responsibility for the budget of the Ministries of Worship and Education as well as the Church School Trust Fund, the Leadership Development Fund.
To recommend policies to Council on baptism, transfers, marriages and funerals, and administration of such policies. To ensure the reception, recording, preparation of candidates for membership by baptism, transfer, and profession of faith.
How You Can Help:
Visit new families to welcome them to the church
Offer your help with preparations being made for Baptism, Weddings etc
Co-ordinate Communion (e.g. partner with another couple to purchase and prepare elements.
Set up and clean up before and after communion and/or serve communion
Arrange scripture reader, ushers and communion servers
Read Scripture at Sunday Service
Help decorate the sanctuary
Join a choir
Direct a choir
Play an instrument for Sunday service
Assist in ushering at Sunday Service
Become a church school teacher or a volunteer in the nursery school
Assist with Youth programs
Help with adult education programs
Share your technical skills in the operation of sound equipment
Assist in keeping our library up to date
Support craft events such as Super Saturday Sundae
Help with Vacation Bible School for one week in the summer
Volunteer to help at other special short term events throughout the year such as the Family Picnic in June
Chair: Bill Trimble
This committee shall be concerned with the following:
Membership of this committee includes the Treasurer
To provide education and understanding of Stewardship as it pertains to the needs of the Church in the areas of time, talent and treasure.
To encourage and foster personal and financial involvement and to make available to the Congregation, Stewardship materials, including those issued by the United Church of Canada.
To plan, organize and carry out an annual Stewardship campaign.
To prepare and administer an annual budget in consultation with Ministry Committees and Council.
To be responsible for all accounting, auditing investments, and banking services required by the church.
To be responsible for offering takers, offering counters, recording and depositing all church receipts.
To be responsible for administering staff payroll and benefits in conjunction with the staff payroll officer.
To prepare and present monthly statements of financial standing in relation to the budget to Council.
To receive and remit Mission and Service Funds as directed by Council.
To be responsible for administration of any special funds.
To receive regular reports from the Heritage Fund trustees and report same to Council.
To maintain all church property, including the church building, furnishings, and church grounds and maintain guidelines for the use of church property.
To be responsible for loans or rentals of church property and policy of same. To set and maintain a schedule of fees for rentals of furnishings, rooms and other services.
How You Can Help:
Offer your skills of a trade when required for Church maintenance
Offer your expertise in personnel management, stewardship, funds management, computer skills, promotions, etc.
Chair: Susan Rogers
This committee shall be concerned with the following:
To serve the fellowship needs of the congregation by providing reception and refreshments in conjunction with congregational activities such as meetings, fellowship, and celebrations
To serve the congregation and community during funerals, memorials, and weddings
To exercise responsibility for the kitchen housekeeping and supplies, and supervision of the use of kitchen equipment such as the commercial dishwasher, plumbed-in coffee maker, fridge, stoves and freezer
To welcome new, transferring, or confirming members to the congregation with a corsage or boutonniere
To ensure the regular communication with the congregation through bulletin inserts
To keep in touch with the sick and shut-ins with a card or phone call
To work in conjunction with the church office sharing and exchanging information to help our committee to exceed its fullest potential
How You Can Help:
Help with preparation and serving at receptions, teas, fall suppers, special church events, anniversary celebrations, farewells, etc.
Join the Committee and enjoy Fun and Fellowship
Become a member of Care-ring
Visit Shut ins
Offer to drive congregation members to church when they are not able to do so
Shop for new member and transferring member gifts
Assist with the Church Newsletter, bulletin inserts, and website
Organize distribution of United Church Publications to members of our congregation
Visit new families to welcome them to the church
Knit Prayers shawls, children’s sweaters and mittens etc.
Help out in the office to label and stuff envelopes ,etc.
Ken Grower, Chair
Shauna Sperry
Gordon Gibson
What is the Charleswood United Church Heritage Fund?
The Charleswood United Church Heritage Fund was established on the occasion of our Church’s 75th Anniversary. This is a Foundation Trust Fund that is kept separate from general accounts of the Church.
Charleswood United Church has benefited from the generosity of its members and supporters for over 90 years. In 1997, aware that increasing costs for maintaining this ministry could one day exceed the capacity of the congregation, Charleswood United Church established a special Fund to receive gifts to the church from bequests, estates and other donations, in trust.
Early gifts to the Heritage Fund swiftly raised the principle to over $200,000 and in its first 10 years the Heritage Fund enabled the church to provide added support to outreach, education, and congregational initiatives. In 2008 the church completed an historic building renovation and expansion. The Heritage Fund was able to provide a $220,000 interest free loan to the congregation that is in the process of being repaid. However, today is the time to think of tomorrow. Gifts planned for the Heritage Fund will one day allow the services we offer to the community to be extended well into the second century
Your Participation
It is a straightforward process to support the Heritage Fund. There are many ways you can help the Fund grow, including:
– Bequest in a Will
– Gifts of stocks, bonds and property
– Life Insurance
– Gift Annuities
– Memorial gifts
– Cash donations
All gifts to the Heritage Fund are tax deductible and in some situations the Heritage Fund may provide donors with estate and tax planning advantages and strategies.
Community Support Groups
The facilities of Charleswood United Church are made available to the people of the Community for worthwhile programs whenever and wherever it is possible to find the space.
Meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. in the Lower Level level. For more information, please visit