In April 2012, on the occasion of our 90th Anniversary Celebration, the new hall was officially named Van Roon Community Hall, honoring two of our founding members, Verna and Len VanRoon. Like all families, the church is constantly welcoming new members and saying farewell to dear friends, but unlike most we do so at an alarming and exciting rate.


March of 2009 saw the launch of a new campaign “Opening Hearts and Minds” that would allow us to continue to pay down our mortgage.


In November 2008 we were able to commence use of our new addition and an appropriate dedication service was held. We now had room for all the people; room to be together at one time; room to move easily in and around one another; and room for the community of Charleswood to gather for special occasions. January of 2009 saw the dedication of our new stained glass window in the community hall, donated by loving and caring members of our congregation.


In September 2006, after 2 ½ years assessing the needs of our church, and following our successful “Opening Doors” campaign in the spring of 2006, our congregation voted to proceed with an expansion that would include an entire new wing with new general and ministers’ offices, board room, kitchen, community hall, large narthex and cloak rooms, wonderful new washrooms and much needed storage space. Winnipeg Presbytery gave their required approval and in April 2008, we had our sod turning ceremony.


In April 2006 we launched our first ever Charleswood United Church website, our window to the world where we were able to track the progress of our Opening Doors Expansion and are now able to keep our congregation and others informed about the work and activities of our church.


In 2004 we were “bursting at the seams” and it was time to think about being more comfortable for more of God’s people to gather with us in His holy place to give each other the love and support that every human being wants and needs. Time to make room for God’s people to gather together in one place and prepare to go out into the world to give love and support to those on the other side of our “open doors” and to invite them in.


In 2002 Joanne Kury took youth from our congregation to Jamaica to build homes for those in need. The experience was so positive that a trip in 2004 was made to the Bahamas. Funds were raised by the youth, congregation donations and many fund raising activities.

Early 00s

Our youth became involved in Habitat for Humanity and work of several homes in Winnipeg.


1997 we celebrated our 75th Anniversary and a year of memories and fun. A sudden and severe snow storm didn’t deter the gathering of families at the church to renew friendships and to look at slides and pictures from our past. A large gathering at the Vasa Lund was filled with fellowship, speeches, music and a wonderful supper. Everyone had a hard time getting home. It was so bad that church was cancelled the next morning. The following Sunday we gathered for a service of celebration. We dedicated the pictures of all our past ministers which now adorn our sanctuary. The Heritage Fund was established and was active in time for the 75th Anniversary in 1997. The mission of the Heritage Fund is to ensure that sufficient financial resources will be available to enable the Ministry Of Charleswood United to continue into the future. Income earned by the Fund will…


In 1996 a Capital Improvement was mandated from Council. In May 1996 the congregation approved a budget of $125,200 plus $4800 for GST. A Community Places Grant of $20,000 was received to go to the lift portion of the project. Improvements included new doors, heating, ventilation, painting, windows for the sanctuary, fax machine, office furniture.

90s Staff Changes

Rev. Bob Galston joined us in 1989 and retired in 1997 Rev. Michael Wilson joined us in 1994 Rev. Joanne Kury, Diaconal Minister, joined us to work with our youth in 1998.


Rev. Laurelle Callaghan-Tudor and Staff Associate, Iris Vincent came on staff in 1986. Rev. Cliff McMurtry was with us from 1987–89.