
There are several ways you can donate to Charleswood United Church. We have tried to make it as easy as possible, giving you the best range of options. Don’t hesitate to contact the church at or call 204-832-3667 if you have questions.

Charleswood United Church is a registered charity under Canada’s Income Tax Act. Official receipts will be issued for gifts of twenty dollars ($20.00) or more when the donor provides their name, mailing address and telephone number.

By way of your online banking web-page, you can send your donation by email. This is the most cost-effective way for the church to receive donations as no processing fee is deducted. Your bank may charge a service fee.
To donate via Interac e-Transfer and receive a charitable tax receipt, please complete the following 2 steps:

Go to your Online Banking site, click on the link for an Interac e-Transfer and fill in the required information, including the amount of your donation. Where you are asked to provide the Recipient’s email address, enter
The church is registered for Autodeposit so no security question and answer is needed.
To receive a charitable tax receipt, send an email to with your full name, mailing address and phone number and please specify who/what your donation is for. This information can also be entered in the Interac e-Transfer message box.

Pre-Authorized Remittance is an easy way to regularly support the church. This use of automatic debits directly from your bank account to the church’s bank account offers a convenient method to make a regular commitment to the church and provide a dependable flow of contributions to the church.

A charitable tax receipt is provided for all donations over $20.00.

Please speak to the office to learn more about and enroll in this program.

Contact us to set this up!

Charleswood United Church
4820 Roblin Blvd.
Winnipeg, MB R3R 0G6
Phone 204-832-3667
Fax. 204-888-9309

Office Administrator – Janet Ammeter

Our Office Administrator is happy to answer your questions or put you in touch with the appropriate person or committee. Regular office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, September to June and summer hours are 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, July and August.


Our shared responsibility for the financial and spiritual life of Charleswood United Church is called “Stewardship”.
All of us have been given gifts of time, talent and treasure. We each personally, through prayer and thought decide how best to share these gifts with God’s people. To learn of ways in which you can give of your gifts of time and talent, you can read about all the events and activities of our church that we talk about elsewhere on our web site.

Here we offer you ways in which to share your gifts of treasure:

In the fall of each year, we ask Members and Adherents (those who attend regularly without formally joining the congregation) to make a financial commitment to Charleswood United Church through which they pledge to aid the mission of the church over the next twelve months.

It is on the basis of this commitment, as well as other factors, that the Finance Committee and Church Council establish a budget for the next year, making your commitment so very important.

Stewardship is an entirely personal decision for each individual. We are deeply grateful for your generous and continued dedication to and support of the work and ministry of this congregation.

The 2024 Stewardship Campaign, Community and Compassion, letter can be found here.

The Stewardship Pledge Form is available here as a fill-able PDF.

We encourage all of our supporters to use Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR). You set a regular monthly withdrawal from your bank account in the church’s favour. There is no cost to you for using this service, and you can alter the amount of your gift at any time by contacting the church office. PAR giving ensures that, even when you are not able to attend on Sunday, your support of Charleswood United Church will continue. Please contact the church office to start donating by this method.

We are happy to provide personalized weekly or monthly donation envelopes to regular attendees. Giving envelopes are not printed with your name or address, but rather with a number to maintain your privacy. Charitable donation receipts are issued for total givings during the year. Envelopes are issued upon request at the time of annual Stewardship and throughout the year. This method is more costly for the church than the PAR method.

A freewill offering is taken during Sunday morning worship. Envelopes are available in the pew holders for those who do not have their own envelopes. Charitable donation receipts for income tax purposes are issued for amounts of $20.00 or more in the tax year.

Charleswood United Church is able to receive gifts of securities as a charitable donation. Recent changes in tax law now make this an attractive option. Donors will be receipted for the full market value of shares but are not required to pay tax on the capital gain. An account for the church has been set up so you can donate in this manner for either the Mortgage Fund or for your regular givings. If interested, please contact the church office.

How do you know what level of giving is appropriate for you?

Ask yourself “Can I look beyond my own present need and make a sacrificial, hopeful commitment to a vision for the future?” The story of Jeremiah under siege in Jerusalem , when he buys a field for the sake of its future harvests, speaks to giving from the heart to the point of discomfort both financially and spiritually. (Jeremiah 32: 1-15)

In order to continue to meet the needs of the community, the people of Charleswood United Church need to continually grow our budget and our personal commitment.

Try this: For six weeks, add a sacrificial gift to your regular offering each week. Give until it feels wonderful! At the end of those six weeks, you may be a changed person, a person who absolutely revels in the extravagant feeling of being generous.

What is the Charleswood United  Church Heritage  Fund?

The Charleswood United Church Heritage Fund was established on the occasion of our Church’s 75th Anniversary. This is a Foundation Trust Fund that is kept separate from general accounts of the Church.

Charleswood United Church has benefited from the generosity of its members and supporters for over 90 years.  In 1997, aware that increasing costs of this ministry could one day exceed the capacity of the congregation, Charleswood United Church established a special Fund to receive gifts to the church from bequests, estates and other donations,  in trust.

Early gifts to the Heritage Fund swiftly raised the principle to over $200,000 and in its first 10 years, the Heritage Fund enabled the church to provide added support to outreach, education, and congregational initiatives. In 2008, the church completed an historic building renovation and expansion. The Heritage Fund was able to provide a $220,000 interest free loan to the congregation that is in the process of being repaid. However, today is the time to think of tomorrow. Gifts planned for the Heritage Fund will one day allow the services we offer to the community to be extended well into the second century

Your Participation

It is a straightforward process to support the Heritage Fund. There are many ways you can help the Fund grow, including:

– Bequest in a Will

– Gifts of stocks, bonds and property

– Life Insurance

– Gift Annuities

– Memorial gifts

– Cash donations

All gifts to the Heritage Fund are tax deductible and in some situations, the Heritage Fund may provide donors with estate and tax planning advantages and strategies. Contact the office for more information.

Charleswood United Church is a leading contributor to the work of the United Church of Canada through the Mission & Service Fund.

The M & S Fund supports numerous ministries in Canada and around the world, ranging from humanitarian intervention in natural disasters to helping new congregations get established. International assistance is offered in partnership with local churches. Complete details on the M & S Fund are available on the United Church of Canada website. There is an opportunity on your annual pledge card to direct a portion of your Charleswood United gift to the Mission & Service Fund. For more information on Mission and Service, please visit