
We offer several opportunities to get the congregation together all year round! Take a look at the events we have coming up, and we hope to see you there!

Reach out to us with any questions about our events schedule!

Annual Events

Here you’ll find information about what to expect from our typical annual events. They will be added to the calendar above when dates are finalized!

It is vitally important for the congregation to be aware of what is necessary to operate our church. At the Annual General Meeting, usually held in late February or early March, reports are presented from the Council Chair, each committee and auxiliary,  as well as the Minister(s).

It is also at this meeting that the congregation is presented with the names of those who have agreed to serve on Council and the other Ministry Committees. This meeting provides each member a chance to ask questions about activities of the past year and future plans.

The Care & Community Committee provide a light lunch following the worship service, allowing us to begin as quickly as possible. The meeting usually takes 60 to 90 minutes. All members of the congregation and adherents are encouraged to attend.

The AGM will be held on Sunday, March 10, 2024.

The booklet of committee reports is available here.

In early December we hold a White Gift Sunday at which time we collect donations of food, toys and money to prepare Christmas Hampers for The Christmas Cheer Board, an organization that prepares hampers for Winnipeg families in need. We supply, pack, and deliver approximately sixty hampers to families in our community. Our prolific knitters contribute hundreds of hats, mittens and sweaters for inclusion in the hampers. Many Helping Hands are needed to make this a successful event. Please contact the church office if you can help.

The Hamper shopping list is now available.

Celebrated mid-June at the end of our church school year, we gather after one 10:00 a.m. service for a light lunch in the Van Roon Community Hall to celebrate together the conclusion of the “Church” calendar.  We look forward to the summer worship schedule of one service at 10:00 a.m. and then returning to two services in September.  It is a time of fun and fellowship which is  truly a family event. Young and old look forward to this each year.

This event is hosted by the Outreach Committee. It is your chance to clean out your closet of clothes you are not wearing but still have life in them, allowing use by someone else. Many hands are also welcome to make this event a success.

Start your “gently used” clothing bag today and watch our calendar for specific dates!

Usually in October, this is one of the highlights of our church cycle. The community at large is invited to join our church family for a delicious turkey dinner followed by coffee and pie that is hard to beat.

You have to get your tickets early early because even with our new accommodations, we usually have more folks wanting to come than we can handle. This is a fundraiser for the church and your donations are always appreciated.

Each year during the season of Advent, we take time to remember our dear departed loved ones. Ornaments are placed on our memorial tree offering a visual reminder.

We gather at a service to celebrate the lives of our departed loved ones. All are welcome to this quiet, contemplative service. The 2024 list of our remembered loved ones is available here.


The men of Charleswood United Church come together once a year in the spring, bringing with them their friends, family and neighbors to enjoy a time together.

They have enjoyed delicious dinners, engaging speakers, great entertainment and the opportunity to enjoy good company.  For specific dates each year check our Calendar and Upcoming Events!

Charleswood United Church is very pleased to offer a summer musical program. Our main goal is to focus on building community, making new friends, and acting as a support system for one another. We provide a safe, non-judgmental environment in which we can bring out the talents of others and foster their growth. It is our hope that cast members will take the time to both teach and learn from each other. Members of our cast will find their summers with us fun, challenging, and very rewarding.

If you are in grade 2 & up and you are interested in becoming a part of CUC Musicals, please contact us at

Rehearsals are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in May and 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in June, July, August, and September.  There are also additional rehearsals in September to prepare for the show, with times being announced.  Musical Camp is held in early August.

We welcome many helping hands during Show Week to take tickets and run the canteen.  If you want to offer your assistance, please e-mail us at

CUC Musicals is on YouTube! Check us out at

This annual March fundraiser is well-known for great fun, food & fellowship. Each team brings their own snacks which can be a competition in itself.

In the spring of each year, we ask you to clean out any gently used kitchen gadgets, decorative items, toys, sports equipment, books, office equipment & tools from your home, cottage or business and drop them off at the church to be sold at our annual sale. It can be helpful to keep a box around for items found throughout the year to ensure they are not forgotten in spring.

This project is a fundraiser to support the work of our church and you can help, not only by donating items, but also by sorting, organizing and pricing items during the week leading up to the sale.

We often receive donations of real treasures, so tell all your friends & neighbors about the sale. Come early for the best selection!

Each year, on the Saturday before the first Sunday of Advent, our church presents a wonderful Advent celebration for families called Super Saturday Sundae. Ingeniously named, super represents the fact that it is indeed a super day, Saturday, the day of the event and sundae … as we enjoy ice cream sundaes at the end of the afternoon!

From all estimates, SSS has been organized for close to forty years. Our afternoon in the Van Roon Hall starts with children of all ages moving from table to table, accumulating crafts that they create for decorating their homes and trees for Christmas. The fun shifts to the sanctuary where we gather to discuss the coming church season of Advent, hear the story and sing Christmas carols.  This gives the crew ample time to prepare the supper of hotdogs, veggies, fruit & sundaes.

In many homes of our congregation, the crafts adorn the trees for many years to come. This celebration prepares our hearts for the upcoming joy and excitement that only Advent and Christmas can bring … an opportunity to tap into the messages of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love that comes to us in that wee precious bundle in the manger so many long years ago.

Various talented groups from within the church and from the community at large invite you to be entertained as they present their concerts. There is a great deal of talent in Winnipeg and we are fortunate to have a good representation of it during the year entertaining at our church.

A continuation of our church school occurs in summer each year as we present our Vacation Church School. The church enjoys a highly elevated activity level as, on average, 50 children, 20 youth helpers and 5 teacher/worship leaders come together for more of our church’s teachings. We sing, dance, craft, play, create, dramatize and eat our way through entire mornings as we take in the Bible Stories.

Each year, the women and girls of the congregation gather for a quiet, contemplative service to celebrate the season of Advent. This offers a moment of calm before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. A time of fellowship and refreshments will follow in the Van Roon Hall.