




Watch this week’s service on YouTube by clicking:

September 8 Worship Service Video


Join us for Worship Sunday at 10:00 AM followed by fellowship and refreshments in the He/SheBrews Café


  • Roofing Project Fundraiser – Raise the Roof is a Coffeehouse style event on Friday, September 20 at 7:00 PM. You can expect fresh coffee and beverages, pies and cakes, silent and rainbow auctions, and a whole lot of fellowship. Entertainment that evening will feature professional tenor Adam Sperry who is starring in Manitoba Underground Opera Company’s production of “Tales of Hoffmann”. Tickets are $20 and available Sundays before and after church and through the week at the church office.


  • Coming Up In September:


               Sunday, Sept. 8                Commencement of Church School – 10:00 AM

               Tuesday, Sept. 10            Resumption of Seekers Tuesday morning Bible Study – 9:30 AM

               Tuesday, Sept. 17            Senior’s Fellowship and Lunch – Presentation on Frauds and Scams

                                                            The Winnipeg Police Service – 12:00 Noon

               Friday, Sept. 20                “Raise the Roof” Coffeehouse Fundraiser – 7:30 PM

               Wednesday, Sept. 25      Resumption of Still Waters, Grief Support Group – 1:30 PM


Information on these activities and more at


  • For news and events please have a look at Life & Work on our website: Life and Work



Dear Friends

Welcome to worship for Sunday, September 8, 2024.

The sermon this week feels a little different to me. I am spending an usual amount of time in it on one particular issue, namely the cell phone ban which has been implemented in Manitoba Public Schools beginning this week.

Part of the reason for this is that it is an issue I have been following for some time. In fact I took the unusual step (for me) of writing to my MLA last spring requesting that Manitoba follow British Columbia in making a ban public policy.

The BC announcement surprised me because I thought there would be immense opposition and hesitancy for such a decisive action. But, I reasoned, if BC can do it, we can do it.

That’s not to claim any credit. I think it has been remarkable how clear a consensus has formed across party lines and among numerous provinces. For now, it seems that almost everyone thinks this is worth a try. Afterall, at stake is nothing less than the welfare of children. If there is a mental health crisis in Canada among preteen and young teen children, and if social media has been demonstrated to be a primary reason for this, what harm can there be in trying?

I don’t suppose that the cell phone ban resolves this crisis. Even if taking something away is a net positive, part of the resolution must also include adding something else that is missing. For me that is the many different ways that community can be experienced. Real community, not virtual community. Because we have to be honest with ourselves and admit that social media meets a need. Not necessarily in a healthy way but it meets a need nonetheless. That need is to be connected to other people, another way of saying community.

When I talk about church as community I mean it in healthy, life-giving ways. I think there is extraordinary value in coming to the same place at the same time with like minded individuals. I have an ongoing disagreement with a close friend who began going to church online during the pandemic. When his church reopened he continued to only attend online though there was no practical reason for him to do so. He is convinced that it is essentially the same thing. We remain friends but we continue to disagree. Strongly.

I think there is immense value in singing with other people, praying with other people, shaking the hand of a stranger, mixing with people of different ages, smiling at the person whose face you recognize but whose name you do not know. Ironically, I think being part of a community makes you better at being alone. There is a vast difference between the peace of solitude and the anguish of loneliness. Social media is intended to make you feel like one is part of a community but is ultimately something engaged in alone. Virtual space is not real space. It says it is. But it is not.

A cell phone ban won’t solve the crisis but it is a step in the right direction. A collective effort aimed at the well-being of children. Our MLAs and school teachers are doing their part and should be applauded for doing so.

It’s also time for us to do ours.


Grace and peace,




  • Did you know you can support this ministry by e-transfer, automatic withdrawal (PAR), and gifted securities, in addition to weekly or monthly cheques? For Offering Information please visit:  We have begun to receive donations for this summer’s Roofing Project which will be held separate from Operations and Mission & Service. Thank you for your generous support.