




Watch this week’s service on YouTube by clicking:

August 18 Worship Service Video



Join us for Worship Sunday at 10:00 AM followed by fellowship and refreshments in the He/SheBrews Café



  • Congratulations to Jennifer Mutter and Gavin Pell on the recent birth of their first son, Fredrick Gordon (Freddy), a brother for Annie. May God continue to bless you and surround you with love and happiness.


  • For news and events, please have a look at Life & Work on our website: Life and Work



Dear Friends

Welcome to worship for Sunday, August 18, 2024.

As we are all aware, highways are marked by the signs telling us what lies ahead and how long until we arrive. It seems the closer we get the more frequent the signs. Those distance markers assure us that our destination is at hand, and perhaps that there is someone waiting to receive us.

Moving into the second half of August, the signs before us should now be telling us what to expect in September and how long until we get there. At Charleswood United Church some people have been preparing diligently for September and so it is my great pleasure to tell you what lies shortly ahead.

Last fall a team of people got together to plan for the return of Seniors’ Fellowship. This was a ministry that was just beginning before the pandemic and so required a bit of a new launch. In the end we had five events in the winter and spring to bring together those interested in fellowship and available on weekday afternoons. The programs were varied and much appreciated. The first Senior’s Fellowship for the new program year will be on Tuesday, September 17 at 12:00 noon. It will be a light lunch followed by a presentation from the Winnipeg Police Service on Frauds and Scams (that often target seniors). It promises to be a very interesting and helpful event. No tickets are needed but we ask that you please register by contacting the church office or letting us know on Sundays so we have a sense of numbers to plan for.

Also working tirelessly all summer have been a group of volunteers led by Aileen Garrett to launch the fall with a fundraiser for our roofing project. Raise the Roof is a Coffeehouse style event on Friday, September 20 at 7:00 PM. You can expect fresh coffee and beverages, pies and cakes, silent auction, and a whole lot of visiting. Entertainment that evening will feature professional tenor Adam Sperry who is starring in Manitoba Underground Opera Company’s production of “Tales of Hoffmann”. Tickets are $20 and go on sale beginning this Sunday.

Proceeds from the Raise the Roof Coffeehouse will support the church roof project that has been underway all summer. As a reminder last year we approved a replacement for the roof of the church and an upgrade of our energy efficiency. The project involves two stages, the A-frame over the sanctuary and the flat roof on the east side of the building, at a total cost of ~$400.000. To date we have received $57,126 in donations and $5,387 in fundraising events. If you would like to donate to this effort you can continue to do so with contributions made at once, occasionally, or on a monthly basis as we will be taking on low interest loans to pay for the work once it is done.

Also to look for in September is the return of regular ministries such a Men’s Lunch, Senior Choir, Seekers Tuesday morning Bible Study, and our grief support ministry Still Waters which resumes the last Wednesday of September. News on all of our activity will be routinely available on our website, bulletin, and by email.

The signs say we are getting close to a new season of ministry, fellowship, and activity at Charleswood United Church. I hope you will join us in whatever ways you wish.


Grace and peace,




  • Did you know you can support this ministry by e-transfer, automatic withdrawal (PAR), and gifted securities, in addition to weekly or monthly cheques? For Offering Information please visit: https://charleswoodunited.org/support/  We have begun to receive donations for this summer’s Roofing Project which will be held separate from Operations and Mission & Service. Thank you for your generous support.